Unabridged: What Makes a Book Cover Pop with Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Today we are joined by author Luvvie Ajayi Jones to discuss the all-important topic of book cover design and book marketing. Luvvie regularly works with aspiring new authors through her Book Academy, guiding them all the way through the publishing process. We also play a game where we predict whether or not a book will sell based on the title and cover (see the covers here).

*This episode is exclusive to members of The Stacks Pack on Patreon and our Substack subscribers. To join a community, get inside access to the show, and listen now, click the link below.



Everything we talk about on today’s episode can be found below in the show notes. You can also find what we talked about on Bookshop.org and Amazon.

luvvie's books
other covers
book cover game

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Unabridged: That New York Times List Discussed and Debated