Ep. 131 The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio -- The Stacks Book Club (Lupita Aquino)

Today for The Stacks Book Club we are discussing The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio. Our guest is the reader behind the bookish Instagram account Lupita Reads, Lupita Aquino. Our conversation looks at the ways undocumented people have been treated as a monolith, the concept of "objective journalism", and how this book has created a space for more undocumented folks to feel seen and heard.
There are no spoilers in this episode.


Everything we talk about on today’s episode can be found below in the show notes and on Bookshop.org and Amazon

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Ep. 132 Coffee & Books with Marc Lamont Hill


Ep. 130 The Politics of Sex with Angela Chen